We pre-scout to save you time.
We work to help you save time by only marketing good quality properties. Tired of sifting through craigslist, seeing only one picture, that happens to not be of the apartment advertised. We also help by guiding you through the credit check process using smartmove by Trans Union, to make sure you are qualified for the partments you are looking at. The difference between getting an apartment you want and not can often times fall upon having your credi
Credit done safely
A SmartMove renter background check is quick and secure. Learn more
- Social Security number kept private
- Quick results
- All online
Paperless leases
Do you have trouble keeping track of papers? Hate having to go to Kinkos to make copies of important docs. We manage the lease process paperlessly, which means you can sign on your smartphone, and have copies sent to your email.
Never miss a payment
Most landlords we work with offer electronic payment options, removing the hassle or writing out checks, and remembering to mail them off on the first of the month.