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Mls Input to REaltor MLS $500 + Coop Commission (If buyer IS represented by An agent)
Want to sell by owner, but don't want to miss the 88% of buyers who use a Realtor? Use our flat fee service to save on the sell side of the commission, and just offer a cooperating commission to buyers' brokers. We will put your home listing on the local MLS system that the Realtors use, you agree to pay their fee if they procure a buyer who meets your price expectations. MLS access allows your listing to propagate across the internet going onto popular sites like, Zillow, and hundreds of others. We charge a low flat fee of $500 and you agree at time of listing, to compensate at closing, the buyer's broker a cooperating commission of your choosing. Billing is at listing signing and is good for one year of MLS listing (hopefully after looking at comps we send you will price competitively to get your home sold.) Champaign Urbana is averaging about 4.5 months on market time, Chicago varies greatly by neighborhood and housing type..
Yard Sign $100 deposit + $50 fee/6 months
We encourage you to use our Mode Realty Yard signs, and charge a deposit of $100 (refundable upon return of sign) and $50 (up to 6 months of use). The purpose of the yard sign is to encourage cooperating brokers to readily show your property. For Sale By Owner signs can scare Realtors into thinking they will not make money or need to ask their buyer client to cover their commission which can lead to them steering clients away from your property. The office number on the sign goes to a Google Voice account that transcribes messages, and will be forwarded to your email for you to follow up with leads. Billing is on delivery of sign, and will be renewed at the end of 180 days.
Electronic Lock Box $200 Deposit + $30/month Fee
Electronic lock boxes allow Realtors to show the property when you can not let them in. This is a good thing because the more relaxed buyers are in our home the easier it is for them to feel at home. Buyers can have an open discussion with their Realtor when you are not there, allowing any objections to come out, and their Realtor to help them overcome them. Mode Realty offers use of a Sentricard box ($200 deposit and $30/month fee). Billing is done 3 months at a time, and will be rounded to the nearest 15 days. You set the schedule, and buyer's brokers call our staffed line to schedule.
8 - 18"X12" Open House Signs $200 Deposit + $30/Month Fee
Open House Sign rentals (set of 8 signs 18"x12" signs with spiked stands) These are great to put out on the day of open house to encourage people to stop in. You can put them at high traffic corners and use the arrows to direct people towards your open house. They are light, you can easily carry all 8 in one hand as you walk the blocks around your home. You are responsible for following all local ordinances on sign placement, and will be returned a prorated deposit if any fines are incurred or signs confiscated/stolen. Billing is every 30 days until all signs are returned.
Home Floor Plan $120 (up to 8 rooms, $10 each additional Room)
Mode Realty can come by your home to draw and deliver via email a floorplan in multiple file types including (PDF, JPG, DXF, PNG, SVG and CSV files). These drawings are not architectural drawings, and are not for use in construction, and are only intended to help people visualize the general layout and approximate room sizes.
Photography $100 Exterior and up to 8 Rooms, $5 Each Additional Room)
We use a wide angle lens to take photos of your home, and use Apple Lightroom to enhance and balance photos, which allows buyers to see a more complete picture of each of your rooms. We can deliver these to you through email or Google Drive, and will also automatically post them on the MLS.
Virtual Tour Price varies by market (outsourced to VT Specialist)
360° photography that allows people to experience your home as if they were standing in it. Pricing will vary depending on your address, but typically it is between $125-150, for a tour of up to 3 rooms, additional rooms can be photographed for an additional fee.